
Monday, April 14, 2008

Unbelievable ? - Believe It.

This morning I went to MSDC for my Pra-JPJ Driving Test and guess what? , That fellow ask me not to tell anyone that he pass me without testing my ability to drive and guess what? , I'm not telling anyone , I'm writing it down here to let people know how they work. That thing already wasted half of my precious day for waiting another girl to finish her pra-jpj test.

I'm going to post a joke today so that I could put a smile on your face .


Jake went to a wedding and sit beside a stranger. They get along well until Jake said something awful to him.

Jake : Hey , you see that two woman sitting there?
William : Yea , whats wrong ?
Jake : You see that lady on the left , she looks terrible ugly man..
William : Thats my daughter..
*Jake dare not look at William and then he cont*
Jake : See that woman on the right , she looks damn terrible ugly in that dress..
William : Thats my wife , damn it.
*Jake grasp and left that wedding after that*


Sean Ong said...

haha..dats why!! MSDC staff all CORRUPTED should ask him gv u a free test ur money!!